Friday, 22 March 2013


I sat at lunch with a friend on the 21st of March, 2013, we hadn't caught up with each other in a long time so our lunch date was very long. We spoke about everything possible. My friend is one of the people who regret that the secession of Biafra was not successful, so as usual he brought the topic up. Somehow, we found ourselves talking about Pa Chinua Achebe. I said, "Hmm, Chinua Achebe is like our Mandela, if he dies, I'd cry a bucket full of tears"

I woke up on the 22nd of March, 2013 to the news that indeed Pa Chinua Achebe had passed on.
In "Things fall Apart", he wrote, "Okonkwo was well known throughout the nine villages and even beyond. His fame rested on solid personal achievements.." Chinua Achebe earned respect, fame and admiration around the world solely because of the quality of his work.

Chinua Achebe's writing had the ability to bring literary characters to life. Whilst reading Things Fall Apart, I felt like I knew Okonkwo, I related to him. When the book was made into a series, Pete Edochie played Okonkwo. Every time I see Pete Edochie in a movie today, the first thing that comes to my mind is Okonkwo!

From Things Fall Apart to No longer at ease to A man of the people, Arrow of GodAnthills of the Savannah, The Problem with Nigeria and There was a Country, I was always left spell bound. It was impossible to not finish reading anyone of his novels. His descriptive ability intrigued my mind and let my imagination run wild. In my entire life, I have not highlighted as many paragraphs as I did whilst reading his Personal history of Biafra. It breaks my heart that in his lifetime, he did not see the change he had hoped for Nigeria. The corruption he wrote about in "No Longer at Ease" is still the order of the day in an even worse magnitude.

Today, I celebrate the life of the genius that is Pa Chinua Achebe. I am thankful that his work is a source of Inspiration and gives me an Insight. He set a moral standard for us, Integrity over everything! he displayed this in the honesty of his work and his refusal to accept National honours.

Through unequalled lenses,
He predicted the future,
He proffered solutions to the future's dilemma,
But no mind was paid.

He watched his homeland grow to greatness,
He watched it shatter to the ground,
His heart was heavy,
All he had left were memories.

Memories of a time when his home was peaceful,
A time when he & his contemporaries were overflowing with hopes and dreams,
A place of great potential.
Now, he is resting, shall we let his dreams die?

Adieu Albert Chinualumogu Achebe.

Unforgettable you are. 

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